Please note: Just give us a first name and first initial for you and any person that you are requesting prayers for.
Also, please keep in mind - when submitting your prayer request, please be respectful of person we are sending prayers to.... keep their personal information and intimate parts of their story private. Our prayers do not need someone's entire story in order to send healing their way. Also, we will not post a request that violates someone's free-will. We cannot post prayer requests that ask for someone specific to love you, for them to stay in a relationship, for them to do something that is your will and not theirs.
For example, you can simply say you are requesting prayers for:
for physical healing
for emotional healing and support
to pray for someone to open their heart
for someone to have insight and wisdom
prayers for forgiveness
for someone to stay safe and protected
for someone to have strength to face their challenges
for someone to have love and support while they battle an addiction
Any prayer requests may be edited to fully honor those who are the recipients of that prayer......